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本分类有 443 部词典 共45页:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45
作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-02    词条总数: 81647    推荐:
This comprehensive French-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc.

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-11-28    词条总数: 160710    推荐:
This comprehensive German-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the new and the classic forms of spelling.

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-01-02    词条总数: 52047    推荐:
This comprehensive Greek-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc.

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-01-02    词条总数: 84077    推荐:
This comprehensive Hebrew-Hebrew Thesaurus contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and offers recognition of official Hebrew Orthography, as well as common Hebrew spelling.

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-01-02    词条总数: 87588    推荐:
This comprehensive Hebrew-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and offers recognition of official Hebrew Orthography, as well as common Hebrew spelling.

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-03    词条总数: 70814    推荐:
This comprehensive Italian-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc.

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-01    词条总数: 196775    推荐:
This comprehensive English-Japanese dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-05    词条总数: 92753    推荐:
This comprehensive Korean-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc.

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-03    词条总数: 55804    推荐:
This comprehensive Portuguese-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc.

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-04    词条总数: 86610    推荐:
This comprehensive Russian-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc.

本分类有 443 部词典
共45页:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45

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