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本分类有 4 部词典 共1页:  1
作者: Istvan Balogh    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-09-21    词条总数: 46176    推荐: 4
It's a completely free dictionary originally made by a few hungarian enthusiasts for their fantastic free application called Jomagam szotar As it's free I only modified the database to be compatible with Lingoes

作者: Peter Vereszki    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-09-21    词条总数: 75427    推荐: 4
This is a really useful English-Hungarian dictionary, uses nearly 75427 words and expressions. I think it's cool. This dictionary is free, but when You like it, please send me 5$ (or some litte money) to me, and recommend it Your friends. I'm a poor student. My address: 2013 - Pomáz, Fûzfa u. 27., Hungary (When You are a poor student too, send me a postcard or map about Your city. Thanks!)

作者: Tom van der Meijden    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-09-21    词条总数: 11620    推荐: 4

作者: Tom van der Meijden    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-09-21    词条总数: 98314    推荐: 4

本分类有 4 部词典
共1页:  1

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