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本分类有 17 部词典 共2页:  1  2
发行版本: 2.4.2    更新日期: 2010-10-29    词条总数: 135939    推荐: 4

发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-03    词条总数: 33105    推荐: 4

作者: Projecto InterDict    发行版本: 1.3    更新日期: 2010-10-31    词条总数: 16761    推荐: 4
Un dictionario del serie Interdict.
Le interdictionario Italiano-Interlingua (IDITIA) es assemblate con colliger parolas ex le publicationes de interrete in interlingua, post le verifica in le DIN de Piet Cleij.
Ben que le IDITIA es destinate al interlinguistas italianophone, anque altere interlinguistas, specialmente le lexicographos inter illes, pote profitar del material presentate.

发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-03    词条总数: 9635    推荐: 4

发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-07-05    词条总数: 25206    推荐: 4

作者: Open Vietnamese Dictionaries Project    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-11-01    词条总数: 70682    推荐: 4

发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-07-05    词条总数: 30045    推荐: 4

作者: Russkiy Yazyk - Media    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-09-07    词条总数: 70225    推荐:
The Dictionary contains more than 300,000 words and phrases of contemporary Italian. Detailed entries contain extensive information about collocations and idioms. The Dictionary offers good coverage of scientific, media, technical, and sports terms.

The Dictionary is intended for linguists, translators, teachers, and students of Italian. The Dictionary can also be used by Italian students of Russian.

作者: Russkiy Yazyk - Media    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-09-07    词条总数: 53149    推荐:

作者: Vicon Press    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-03    词条总数: 134176    推荐:
This comprehensive English-Italian dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.

本分类有 17 部词典
共2页:  1  2

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