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本分类有 4 部词典 共1页:  1
作者: Grady Ward    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-03-19    词条总数: 30259    推荐: 4
Moby Thesaurus is the largest and most comprehensive thesaurus data source in English available for commercial use. This second edition has been thoroughly revised adding more than 5,000 root words (to total more than 30,000) with an additional _million_ synonyms and related terms (to total more than 2.5 _million_ synonyms and related terms).

作者: Princeton University    发行版本: 3    更新日期: 2007-11-16    词条总数: 147249    推荐:
WordNet® is a large lexical database of English, developed under the direction of George A. Miller. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations.

作者: 白鸽男孩    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-03-28    词条总数: 6898    推荐: 4

作者: Princeton University    发行版本: 3    更新日期: 2007-12-24    词条总数: 147249    推荐:
Concise English Dictionary based on WordNet, This comprehensive English-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms.

本分类有 4 部词典
共1页:  1

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