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Author:    Edition: 2    Update: 2014-08-16    Grade: (meaning “Interactive” in English) is the largest Chinese wiki site in this Web-RW era. Built on the first proprietary Chinese wiki software enabled by extensive Web 2.0 elements, grows to be the largest “Chinese Wikipedia” with improving quality where the content is updating continuously through collective human knowledge contribution. On the other hand side, Hudong released the first Open Source Chinese wiki software HDWiki in the world to fulfill one million websites’ demand to build up a wiki channel or independent wiki site, which helps build up an active wiki community. As the first commercial wiki application in China, also makes huge contribution to the community and society by promoting mutual trust and social collaboration.

Edition: 1    Update: 2009-01-12    Total words: 4521    Grade: 4

Author: txzhh    Edition: 6.6    Update: 2008-06-17    Total words: 21001    Grade: 4

Author: StarDict Project    Edition: 1    Update: 2007-11-16    Total words: 20901    Grade:

Author: Xia Jiang    Edition: 2    Update: 2012-01-14    Total words: 109901    Grade: 4
1. 热心志愿者录入的《意汉词典》全本45893单词,释义详尽。
2. 热心网友张锋提供的《意汉简明词典》词汇21431条及反向制作的《汉意简明词典》24276条,仅有简单释义。
3. 夏江翻译中收录的5426条意汉、5426条汉意词条。
4. 意大利制鞋、制革机械协会中国办事处整理的1085条鞋业意汉词条,及反向制作的1240条汉意词条。
5. 2079个拉丁语植物词汇,及2024个反向制作的汉语拉丁语词汇。
6. 冶金名词3589条汉意、3589条意汉词条。
7. 网络收集24038条汉意、24038条意汉词条。


Author: Paolo Xia    Edition: 1    Update: 2012-01-15    Total words: 45893    Grade: 4
本词典收录《意汉词典》全本45893个单词。感谢小尹、蓝天论坛以及百余位志愿者几年来的热心帮助,完成了这项浩大的工程。 鸣谢Chigre提供动词变位源文件,变位后的动词亦可查询单词释义。

☉ 本词库为非商业性、非赢利、纯公益性质,仅限于个人非商业使用和学习交流用途,请勿将本词库用于商业用途。超出个人研究范围所引发的版权及责任等问题的争执,后果由当事人自行承担,词库制作者对此不予负责。
☉ 建议诸位意大利语同仁购买《意汉词典》原本,以示对原作者的支持。


Author: Paolo Xia    Edition: 1    Update: 2009-04-15    Total words: 1083    Grade: 4

Author: Bruce Yang    Edition: 1    Update: 2012-04-01    Total words: 63807    Grade: 4

Author:    Edition: 2    Update: 2012-05-10    Grade:
Jukuu is a dedicated sentence search engine, which is speicially disigned to help Non-Enlgish users to write native English expressions by providing related bilingual sentences.

Author:    Edition: 1    Update: 2009-12-30    Total words: 2305    Grade: 4

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