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Building English-Russian Dictionary
The Dictionary contains about 65,000 terms which cover the following branches of construction studies: engineering buildings and tools, construction and installation work, hydroengineering, engineering networks, construction materials and technologies, construction and road-building machines, construction tools, construction management, design, urban planning, ecology of construction, types of buildings and installations, architecture, theoretical foundations of construction.

The Dictionary also contains terminology from related fields, including commercial and legal aspects of construction, trade in construction materials, valiation and trade in real estate.

The Dictionary has been compiled to meet the needs of many specialists in construction industry and related fields, as well as of university professors, students and translators. It will be very useful for all specialists working on international construction projects.
Version: 2.4
Edition: 1
Language: English ⇒ Russian
Author: Russkiy Yazyk - Media
Update: 2008-08-31 / 2008-08-31
Total words: 49792
Online: No
Size: 2.84 MB
MD5: 0FAC08C9568BFB4A13D3F9A0B77321E8

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