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Oil and Gas Field Glossary
This Glossary with explanations and abbreviations was mainly collected from North Sea operations. # It is supplied by Matthias Borcholt, formerly of DEMINEX and VEBA Oil & Gas, Germany. # Please send remarks to with subject: 'Oil-Glossary' # 09. Jan. 2001 # 'One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness; it is usually returned.' (C. R. Flint)
Version: 2.6
Edition: 1
Language: English ⇒ English
Author: Matthias Borcholt
Update: 2009-08-20 / 2009-08-20
Total words: 1513
Online: No
Size: 108 KB
MD5: CC0A01A18122C2212F746490644D6BF7

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