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Author: Lingoes Project    Edition: 1    Update: 2009-10-09    Total words: 97348    Grade: 4

Author: Lingoes Project    Edition: 1    Update: 2009-10-09    Total words: 23000    Grade: 4

Author:    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-08-01    Grade: 4
This dictionary is provided to you free-of-charge by a group of Chinese students at Germany. The goal of is to make it possible to share your vocabulary knowledge with the world.

Author: ismarlia    Edition: 1    Update: 2009-05-31    Total words: 1171    Grade: 4

Author: xFengChenx    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-05-10    Total words: 12995    Grade: 4

Author: Zhao Chao Yue    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-10-17    Total words: 5118    Grade: 4

Author: Alex(Xianqing) YANG    Edition: 1    Update: 2010-12-06    Total words: 6300    Grade: 4
This dictionary intend to help users to remember more English words by the root and affix.

Author: Zhao Chao Yue    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-10-23    Total words: 7316    Grade: 4
The best way to understand and remember technical terms is to understand first their component parts, or roots. To this end the various word roots, from the Latin, Greek, and other languages, that are most frequently encountered terms have been brought together in this dictionary.

Author: 白鸽男孩    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-04-04    Total words: 9148    Grade: 4

Author: Académie française    Edition: 8th Edition (1935)    Update: 2009-04-12    Total words: 31216    Grade:
The Dictionnaire de l'Académie française is the official dictionary of the French language in France.
The Académie française is France's official authority on the usages, vocabulary, and grammar of the French language, although its recommendations carry no legal power. Sometimes, even governmental authorities disregard the Académie's rulings.
A special Commission (Commission du dictionnaire) composed of several (but not all) of the members of the Académie undertakes the compilation of the dictionary. The Académie has completed eight editions of the dictionary, which were published in 1694, 1718, 1740, 1762, 1798, 1835, 1878, and 1935. The 8th edition of 1935 contained approximately 35,000 words.
The Académie continues work on the ninth edition, begun in 1986, of which the first volume (A to Enzyme) was published in 1992, and the second (Éocène to Mappemonde) in 2000. As the work goes on, additional parts of the Dictionnaire are published in the Documents administratifs of the Journal Officiel, and posted online. The finalized ninth edition is expected to contain more than 15,000 new words.

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