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Author: Princeton University    Edition: 3.1    Update: 2011-08-08    Grade:
WordNet® is a large lexical database of English, developed under the direction of George A. Miller. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations.

Edition: 1    Update: 2007-12-19    Total words: 1479315    Grade:

Edition: 1    Update: 2011-10-10    Total words: 28319    Grade: 4

Author: 白鸽男孩    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-04-20    Total words: 2751    Grade: 4

Author: 白鸽男孩    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-04-07    Total words: 3714    Grade: 4

Author: 白鸽男孩    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-04-20    Total words: 2862    Grade: 4

Author: 白鸽男孩    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-04-20    Total words: 4153    Grade: 4

Author: 白鸽男孩    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-04-04    Total words: 2679    Grade: 4

Author: Wei Qiang    Edition: 1    Update: 2008-07-28    Total words: 25110    Grade: 4

著名英语教育专家陈琳教授曾说:“以少数必要的符号直接在单词(字母)上标音,是简化英语注音法的理想途径。” 魏强注音英语是以英语字母的读音为基础,以单词的拼写形式为拼读形式,用少数几个表音表意的符号,直接在单词字母上注音,来实现直接注音直接拼读的英语。例如:[˙]一点读(短)衣=[i],与拼音i象形谐音,[˙˙]两点读(长)衣=[i:]。[Ǻ]一竖读(小)爱=[e],与字母I象形谐音,[ǺǺ]两竖读(大)爱=[æ]。[Ǽ]半角读(小)啊=[Ы],与树杈、字母r象形谐音,[ǻ]直角读(大)啊=[Ь:]。[ˆ]尖角读(短)屋=[u],与“屋脊”象形谐音,[Ч]屋点读(长)屋=[u:]。[˚]圆圈读(短)凹=[Ю],与“凹洞”象形谐音,[ч]凹点读(长)凹=[Ю:]。[˜]波纹读(轻)鹅=[э],与“波纹”象形谐音,[ŷ]鹅点读(长)鹅=[э:]。元音:注啥读啥,字组不注不读,音节不注轻读,熟词不注直读。


Author: StarDict Project    Edition: 1    Update: 2007-11-21    Total words: 18177    Grade: 4

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